Kantu Browser Automation

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kantuKantu Browser Automation (Google Chrome) or Kantu: Fresh Browser Automation plus Selenium IDE (Mozilla Firefox) is a modern Open-Source Web Macro Recorder and Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Browser plugin designed for general web automation, form filling, web scraping and web testing. The extension (addon) was made by a9t9.

Being a Web Macro Recorder, it can record the user’s web browser activity, including filling up of a form, logging into a website, browsing links, clicking some buttons, and opening pages. This recorded Macro can then be replayed, which is useful for repeating a routine or procedure, automating a web browser task, for automation projects, automated testing, automated file uploads and automated form filling.

The visual User Interface of Kantu can aid web developers and web designers verify and validate the layout of websites, including canvas elements. The extension can also resize the browser’s window in order to emulate various resolutions, which is useful in testing layouts on different browser resolutions.

Kantu Web AutomationKantu is easy to understand. It has a friendly User Interface that has options and settings that are pretty much self-explanatory, and there are demo Macros in it that can give users an idea how to program a task. Kantu has a UI that allows users to simply pick a command and store an instruction, and it also has a Source View (JSON) tab that allows viewing and writing of code, which can further customize the Macro. There is also the recorder that allows recording of a browser activity. Kantu will automatically generate the Macros for that recorded session.

The recorded web actions, which are converted into Macros can be played, stopped, stepped up, or played in a loop. There are various actions that Kantu can additionally do such as writing into a csv and renaming a downloaded file. The Macro can also be scheduled to run via Windows Task Scheduler or an app that does Cron tasks or scheduling. The Macro can also be exported into an HTML and be made to autorun by opening the HTML file.

Kantu Web Browser

Kantu Web Macros can be used in combination with other extensions such as Adblock, uBlock, Ghostery, Greasemonkey, NoScript, DownThemAll, LastPass, or Video DownloadHelper.

Kantu (Firefox) also supports some of the most commonly used “Selenese” commands used in Selenium IDE, however not all. But, its developers are continually upgrading the plugin and adding support to more commands.

Download (Addon/Extension)

Kantu Browser Automation
Kantu: Fresh Browser Automation plus Selenium IDE

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