An update in the life of a developer

We’ve gone through thick and thin, but so far, we’ve managed to pull it though. In life, I’ve lost some friends, and some people who were dear to me, but gained some new ones. I guess that’s life. We lost some, we get some. That makes it dynamic. As far as job is concerned, it really feels good to be trusted. Our company manager just let’s me do what I want. A month ago, I made a deal with him. He let’s me work on development and study on the job, sort of like OJT (on the job training), and in return, I’m gonna develop stuff for the company. In the next couple of weeks, I found myself working on an unsupervised project. Something I myself just thought of, although I would occasionally update him on the progress without him having to ask me. I dunno why he never bothers to check on me, but I guess it’s because he knows what I’m capable of… he trusts that I could work on my own without him telling me what to do. Isn’t that great? I’m working outside of my supposed job description. I’m no longer the usual inventory manager or your average data entry. I am what I wanna be! But mind you guys, life of a developer is never easy. Just take this video as an analogy. It’s the closest you can get to the reality of what it really feels like…

Yup, it’s not easy, but that’s where great things come from — from hard ones. The more difficult it is, the less people who can do it, and the less people who can do it, the more valuable you become. As for the project, the recent one was an upgrade on the inventory system. I created an inventory system that kind of replicates the one the company has, but with more features including advance monitoring such as getting the system data, checking on the file size of the inventory file, get last modified information and info on when was the system last updated. Also, I made it smart. It not only retrieves information, it also notifies us of the problem. And, it is capable of automatically sending emails with an attachment of the report straight to the managers. That way, we’ll immediately know what the problem is and quickly take action. However, while the script is now working, I kind of misfired it lately. The script accidentally went into a loop, and it started sending multiple emails… it turned into a notorious spam bot. And just when I thought it would send one email per second, I was wrong! The number of executions actually depend on your CPU speed, and since I was given a top end computer, it was capable of sending thousands of email per second. It’s a good thing, I was the only one affected. Earlier, I cced some people including our manager, but I remove them mid development. If he was flooded with emails, he could have hanged me.

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