Why didn’t Drogon kill Jon Snow for killing Daenerys?

Why didn’t Drogon kill Jon Snow for killing Daenerys?

Game of Thrones Jon and DaenerysIt has been 4 days since Game of Throne’s final episode came out on HBO and perhaps one of the million dollar questions in the finale was why didn’t Drogon kill Jon Snow for assassinating Daenerys, he’s beloved mother? Well, there are numerous theories surrounding the incident, but of course, all of these can be nothing more than speculations. For sure, no one knows the real reason since Drogon, being a dragon, can’t talk nor write, and he can only be read through his terrifying angry facial expression and deafening growls. And, judging from those actions, we can safely say, he’s definitely mad at Jon Snow for killing Daenerys and it looks as if he’s ready to burn him to a crisp. But surprisingly, although he did breath fire, narrowly missing Jon and almost frying him, he redirected his flame to a different direction, first by blasting through the walls before targeting the Iron Throne with such fury.

Perhaps one of the reasons why Drogon didn’t toast Jon (aka Aegon Targaryen) was because he had somehow developed a bond with him. Throughout GOT’s history, the Targaryen bloodline seems to be the only ones capable of taming dragons. Earlier in the previous episodes, we could recall that Drogon allowed Jon to pat him back at Dragon Stone, and it’s as if he had known him for quite a while, though that was only one of their earlier rare encounters. No one among Daenerys army could even come close nor would even dare approach Drogon as the majestic black dragon is hostile towards almost anyone aside from his dragon siblings and his assumed mother, Daenerys. But why did he approach Jon and allowed Jon to touch him? That was sort of an enigma. Well, this is just my personal belief but Jon was named Aegon by birth, and he was named after Aegon the Conqueror, the very same Aegon who bonded with a black dragon named Balerion (known as the Black Dread). Now, Balerion is identical to Drogon (the winged shadow). Could it be that the writers of GOT was trying to tell us that Jon and Drogon were the reincarnations, or at least, a portrayal of Aegon the Conqueror and Balerion? Could it be fate?

daenerys and jon

What’s more weird is that the Iron Throne, the seat made of the thousand swords of Aegon’s fallen enemies, and forged by Balerion’s flame, was melted by Drogon’s fire breath. Which seems to undo what Balerion did. And as Aegon I created the wheel that governs the seven kingdoms, Jon put an end to it. It’s as if history repeated itself, only this time, it was the exact opposite.

The last stare of Drogon at Jon gave out a facial expression of as if he was satisfied. It was like as if he was leaving a message saying “Hmp! Now, we are even!”. Since Daenerys died, no one could now sit on the Iron Throne. Perhaps, that action was something made out of defiance. The dragon was smart to know that the Iron Throne was the reason why they kill each other, and ultimately is the very thing that led Daenerys to her madness and her doom.

daenerys death

Now that we have given a possible explanation to Drogon’s strange action, it’s time to go to the next question… when Drogon shoots out a powerful napalm stream into the Iron Throne, why didn’t it flew away? I mean, in the last episode where Daenerys and Drogon were on a killing spree, burning down King’s Landing and fulfilling his late father’s wishes, Drogon’s jet fire seem to blast walls and make bricks explode. There was even a scene where his dragon fire slices through and cuts a tower of the Red Keep in a single sweep. The force of his flame was so strong that it was able to demolish the Red Keep in a short span of time. Surely, a blast of its flame could send the Iron Throne flying instead of melting it in place.

mourning drogon

I also found it weird that Daeny’s army, after being reported to have been depleted had somehow respawn. In a scene when she announces world domination, her army had grown in size even after having most of it got massacred by wights earlier in Winterfell.

daenerys starbucks cupAnd in Winterfell, during their celebration of their victory over the white walkers, Daeny somehow manages to sneak in and get herself a Starbucks coffee. See the picture to the right. Could it be an Easter Egg? Well, it’s kinda late for that though, and April fool’s is also over.

Oh well, since we already have dragons, magic, undead, green seers, white walkers, and gods in GOT, who needs Science to explain these paranormal events, right?

Working on my old Astral Meta Website

Working on my old Astral Meta Website

Astralmeta.com is an old website I created way back in 2013. See the screenshot above (courtesy of Archive.org’s Wayback Machine). It started as blogspot site (called blog sites back in the days), which was eventually transferred to a hosting service running on a WordPress-powered website. Back then, I don’t know any programming. I was merely editing Blogger’s XML Template to design the blog site and I know the design was not too shabby, but I couldn’t say it’s that pretty good either although I could boast that the site is 100% W3C compliant. Back then, being a 100% W3C compliant web designer is already something. You are a bloody perfectionist! But nowadays, it’s meh. There are now a lot of very skilled and talented individuals out there who can do the same and more, and with that comes innovation, aside from massive competition of course.

I envisioned the site Astralmeta to be a community website aiming to connect people and encourage them to share their stuff with others and at the same time encourage them to help one another, building a network of sorts. Of course, nothing can be more disappointing than having that vision dashed. Thanks to social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter. There’s also StackOverflow which is overflowing with web developers, there is Reddit acting like a huge forum, and other sites that are well established and have gone ahead of me. Sadly, this idea of mine could have worked back in the 90s, when nobody had thought about it before. Nowadays, such an idea is obsolete. People no longer need sites like mine.

astral meta

So what’s the point of bringing it back? Well, I have other visions. If it can’t work as a community, I’m simply going to turn it into a web resource site to host mine and my friends work. Who knows? Maybe someday, it would attract other people and encourage them to do the same. My site could help them promote their work too… well, that is assuming my traffic goes up as it can give them more audience. Currently, I’m redesigning and reprogramming my site from scratch. I’m not relying on any existing theme and I am refraining from using so many plugins. This way, I have better control and understanding of what is going on in my website, particularly on the SEO side. I plan the website to be more user friendly, with a quick login and some social media integration. Having learned JavaScript, I could also implement some cool special effects. Oh, there is one thing I would like to add in the list… SCSS. It’s something I am trying to understand right now. Once understood, I could apply it in the website too.


The theme will remain as spiritual and mysterious as it was before. Having religious symbols and names, and some mysticism embedded in it. You’ll never know, they are in my code.

Starting Java Lessons

Starting Java Lessons

javaSometimes, I don’t understand myself nor do I know what I really wanted. Though it may sound crazy, I seem to be not contented with learning just one or two program languages. I want to learn them all. So far, I got some huge PHP experience with my recent job-related projects as a Junior PHP Developer. In that project, I created a CMS, I created numerous tools that helped us analyze our inventory better. I created checkers that help us determine which items we are selling are discontinued, and most of these, I did it all by myself. I helped our development team fix some problems in our local system. I worked on a WordPress site, I modified the Theme and its Plugin to fit the client’s demand for a custom Real Estate site. From this, I got some experience with actual Web Development, and learned some new HTML and CSS techniques. Thanks to my fellow colleagues who were so generous to teach me, and to our Manager, who’s very understanding.

Aside from the PHP projects, I also created my own simple JavaScript projects. About 2 months ago, I started studying JavaScript language, focusing more on animations, and with the latest having to do with Slideshows. But my ambition doesn’t seem to end there. I am still not happy with my little achievements. To be honest, despite all of my efforts, I still feel unappreciated. People still look at me with less value. I feel like I’m not even your average Joe. Maybe, it’s just me, but I seldom get any praise for my efforts. Well, it’s kind of sad, but what can I do? I’m in New York. To shine here, you really must be extraordinary. Anyway, I am not stopping here, I want to continue and keep on pushing myself to learn more and become even better.

So lately, I am thinking about learning a new language, this time — Java. Actually, this may not be new to me at all. I started studying this language about two years ago. It’s just that I wasn’t persistent to pursue it back then though I created a simple calculator with it.

So what is Java?

Java, not to be confuse with JavaScript, is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Yep, it’s one of the old and classic programming languages out there. A lot of companies rely on this programming language ranging from banks to firms. It is also the language use to create game consoles and game apps, most notably for mobile phones. You can find Java everywhere, in laptops, datacenters, cell fones, and even in scientific supercomputers.

Installing Eclipse and JDK

The first thing we need to have is an editor. There are some several editors available out there but in my case, I’d prefer Eclipse. Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming, and is the most widely used Java IDE. What the hell is an IDE btw? An IDE is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. It is normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger. Eclipse, not only contains a source code editor, it also has the necessary compiler and interpreter. Meaning, you can test your source code inside Eclipse itself, without having to compile it into a program and run it as an executable. This IDE also contains a base workspace and extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

Now, also note that Java won’t work without the JDK, short for Java Development Kit. This kit contains all the libraries needed to compile and run your source code. Without it, your computer won’t be able to understand code. Think of it as your interpreter. If you are missing some essential JDK components, you can download it here.

My First Java Program

At the moment, I’m still watching a Java tutorial video. Surprisingly, Java is different from PHP and JavaScript that I learned so far. The structure is mostly Object-Oriented and it seems that it needs some additional declarations before you can actually run the code. Not like in PHP, that all you need is a web server environment and you can simple type echo to type a text or in JavaScript where all you need is a web browser and a simple document.write function. Java seems to be using a Java Virtual Machine and a Just-in-Time compiler for my computer to run the code. While most of the execution is handled by Java’s library, the proper declaration like public static void main and identifying if it’s a string argument has to be made before you can call the function System.out.println to type a text just like what I did below.

java first program

Working on a WordPress Theme for E & E Professionals

scrLife has been nothing but busy lately, but I thought of it as a better way to keep my mind away from things that keeps me stressed (ie. Negativity, Harsh Reality, and Idiots). Recently, I got into a side project wherein I have to design a website. This website is for E & E Professionals, a company that seems to be engaging in real estate business. I was told it should be easy… it’s just WordPress they say, you just have to install a theme and a plugin, it would be a cakewalk they say… Well, they sound simple indeed… just install and that’s it… it’s simple until you customize it! You see, our client here wants us to make his website look like Brookland Capital’s website, which uses a custom theme designed by The Lab Creative Studio. I’m not gonna kid here, The Lab is made up of professional web designers. The theme they created is something you can’t just download from somewhere and install. It’s custom made specifically for Brookland Capital. Designing something like this alone takes considerable amount of time, and I’m just one person. I’m multitasking here, pretty much under time pressure as well. Thankfully, I was given 2 weeks to complete the project. Still, this is not an easy feat.

So before I start the project, I made a plan. It has to be completed as soon as possible so in order to make it up on time, I had to find a way to speed things up.

Now, creating a WordPress Theme from scratch would take approximately 3 weeks of development. You need to create the structure, the javascripts, the PHP pages, the functions, and hook it into WordPress. And oh, you also need to delve into WordPress’ documentation to understand how WordPress works. This is obviously not the way to go if you are in a rush. So what I did is look for a theme that resembles Brookland Capital’s. I found a theme and this is shown to have a slider background just like Brookland’s, but alas! When I installed it, they required us to purchase the theme in order to make use of the slider. OK, so we are kinda cost cutting here, so I had no choice but to hack and modify the theme and install a slider. Also, the slider has to be easily manageable considering our client here doesn’t have much technical knowledge about websites. So, we have to make a user interface (UI) that’s easy to understand and easy to manage. This is where the slider plugin comes in. Unfortunately, the plugin doesn’t create slides that behave the same way as the other website’s. I want our slide image to resize with the page, but only until a certain minimum width. From thereon, it should begin hiding both sides of the image leaving only the center of the picture. However, our slider plugin generates slides that are in the form of listed image (img) tags. You could only float it either left or right, and while we can definitely create an overflow css rule that trims the picture once minimum width has been reached, this can only trim from right to left. In the end, only the left side of the image can be seen. The only way to make the image trim from the sides and leave the center of the image behind is to make the image a background image and set background position to center. Our plugin doesn’t do this, so I hacked the plugin and modify its code so that instead of generating slides that uses img, it would generate divs with background images of the slides. Being a background image, we can finally center the image and make it trim from the both sides instead of trimming from right to left when our window’s size has been reduce below minimum width.

After solving the slider issue, we ran into another issue. This time, the menu. We wanted to create a menu that transforms into a sliding side menu when opened in smartphones. The theme’s original menu is a dropdown menu, so I had to hack the theme again and make some changes to the page and the CSS. After installing the side menu, our next problem is that the menu doesn’t have a close button and when the side menu opens, it would cover the toggle button, making it impossible to close it. Also, the menu doesn’t slide when opened. This is due to a Javascript that switches the inline styles of the menu container whenever the toggle button is press or when a certain minimum window width is reached. To add the close button, WordPress menu template has to be modified and I don’t quite understand these things yet. Having no time to read the documentation and understand how their menus work, I just created a hack on the page instead. The hack I made was that I enclosed the wordpress menu in a custom div container. I added an image of the close button inside the div and anchored it to a javascript toggle action. Problem solved! Now, our menu has a close button. As for non-sliding menu when opened problem, I modified the Javascript responsible for the toggle effects and add some custom-made javascript actions that switches the css of one of the containers when the toggle button is clicked.

After solving all the issues, another issue came out. This is the funny thing about web development. After you fix one problem, another problem comes out. It’s like cancer. This problem may not be that bad though as this problem can rarely be spotted since it only happens when you are resizing a window. Supposedly, when the menu reaches a certain width, the menu was suppose to switch from a standard menu into a sliding side menu, which it does actually using some CSS and Javascript rules. However, there is a certain width where both styles appear. The toggle button, which is suppose to only appear once the standard menu disappears is appearing along with the standard menu at a certain width but then goes away when it goes below or above this width range. It’s as if there is a middle ground. This bug was so elusive that I failed to find what the problem is. I tried tweaking the javascript and changing the window width condition, but the problem won’t go away. I was only able to discover the cause when I seek the help of Vasilii Shpilchin. Man, I gotta say, this guy’s very good. He found out that the one causing the problem is the scroll bar of the browser. When the scrollbar appears, the window width seems to be affected and the window width condition in our javascript screws up. Vasilii modified the Javascript and changed the condition from relying on window width to using a css class property so that when this property changes, the menu switching action takes place.

The website is almost done. Perhaps, the only hurdle that’s left is to install the Google Map into the website. We are using a plugin for this, but the important features of the map the client wants is not available in the free version. He wants a tooltip to mark the different projects he has. We have a choice here, either just buy the plugin or spend more time on development because I’m going to hack the plugin again and add the missing components. Also, Google Maps now require users to use an API when using the map on the website. This also comes with billing. Without these two, development at this moment, is pretty much impossible so I have no choice but to suspend it until client comes to a decision as how we wanted the project to be pushed.

Learning Javascript

Learning Javascript

javascriptHi guys, it’s been a while since I posted another blog update. I’d been busy with a lot of things, mainly with work that I don’t have enough time and the energy to write something new nor do I have time to study, but right now, I’m trying to make some time so please bear with me.

Currently, I’ve been busying myself with Javascript. This is something I learned recently from self-study… while it’s not something new and perhaps a lot of you guys have already heard it, I’m here to share what I have learned more about it. Before, I just dismissed it as nothing too important, well, since most of my work involves back end stuff and I have really no much use of it. But, after realizing there are things Javascript can do, which other programming languages such as PHP can’t, and after being made to create a page with functions that requires cross-browser compatibility, I was motivated to study it.

The demands of the IT industry nowadays have step up. Most companies are now looking for Full Stack Developers. These are developers who know more than just one programming language, and who can learn more at a moment’s notice. Perhaps, it’s the way for companies to save money, since instead of hiring more developers who knows another language, they can just hire one who knows a lot and get the same amount of productivity. Well, I also think that it’s practical that way… even while working as an individual. Learning more than one language allows you to be flexible and allows you to work with less supervision and without having to rely on others, which in contrast, promotes more independence and greater potential.

Now, enough with the chit-chat. So, in the past, I’ve been already implementing Javascripts in my websites, most of them, stolen from other websites… and yes, you can actually steal the codes. If you find a page with a Javascript and you save that page as html, it will be saved as an html file in your PC along with the css, images, folders, and javascripts. Then I copy the .js file into my own folder and attached it into my html page using the script source code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="thisjavascript.js"></script>

With this simple trick, I manage to get some cool effects running on my page even though I don’t know how to make one in javascript. However, this method is that of a lazy-ass and bad in a way since you’re stealing other people’s hard work, and if left alone on your own, you will be rendered incapable. So, to be a capable developer, you have to stop relying on other people and learn Javascript from scratch.

Now, back in the old days, programming knowledge was scarce, and in the country where I came from, we’re like in the stone age when it comes to technology. You can’t even learn so many good stuff in school as we were using old “obsolete” languages and methods when the rest of the world were already achieving milestones. Fortunately, we’re in the 2019 now. You can find so much resource anywhere… thanks to the World Wide Web.

Among the best tutorials I found is from mmtuts. This guy is definitely god-sent. This youtuber made learning Javascript so easy, even more easier when you already know other program languages such as PHP. However, you at least need to understand HTML and CSS before you should take these tutorials since this language runs on top of them. In this case, HTML and CSS acts like your foundation and without them, the tutorial will make less sense. Here’s the Javascript introduction videos.

For Javascript definition, we have Wikipedia for that, but Javascript in my own understanding is a front end program language that runs in a web browser, and unlike PHP, which is server-side and requires a server to run the code, Javascript is executed directly by the web browser. Javascript does not need to be reloaded each time to send a request, unlike PHP. And as one of the main components of the World Wide Web, along with HTML and CSS, most if not all, web browsers support it. In the past, it only used to provide effects that are not possible with just HTML and CSS, but overtime, Javascript has grown to be a powerful programming language, being able to manipulate the content of the web page and process functions and server requests that only used to be something only PHP could. It is also capable of creating files and even issue commands that can be executed by your PC’s operating system. Although it has no I/O capability, it makes use of other programs, such as a Web Browser, to execute its commands.

So far, I’m in the “Hello World” part of the learning process. If I learn more, or if I write some nifty JS codes, I’ll be sure to share them all up here in my site under the Tutorials/Programming/Javascript menu link of this site. For now, here’s a little something I learned…

<title>Test Page</title>
<script type="application/javascript">
	document.body.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

document.body.innerHTML targets the document’s body, particularly the inner part of the HTML. This command will modify the body of the page and display the declared value. In this case, “Hello World”. That’s why you get this…


Note that it needs to find a body in order for it to work. If there is no <body> tag, then there is nothing to modify. Which is why the javascript has to be within the body of the document or page.

Xoom got duped!

Xoom got duped!

xoomXoom sends money to your recipient first before they charge you, and makes sure they have completed the transaction as stated here. This is a really pretty neat offer, but before that transaction is even processed, of course, they have to first electronically verify your bank account and your information as a precaution to protect their end. However, as I figured out recently, Xoom can still be duped. Good thing I’m not a hustler, but seriously, Xoom has to address this issue if they don’t want to loss money.

Truth is, I’ve been using their service years back. They are a legit company, being Paypal’s sister company and all, however, at one point I was dissatisfied with their service when their buggy app accidentally sent money on the wrong recipient. And, despite me having pleaded them to cancel it, they keep on telling me that it cannot be cancelled while it is being processed. I dunno why, but how hard is it to cancel a process that hasn’t been completed yet? When it completed, they charged me automatically. I told them to retrieve it, but they told me that it cannot be done anymore. So WTF? Once you sent, that’s it? One way ticket? I thought of it as a flaw so I had them blocked from my Bank and never used them until recently.

When I signed up using a different email, but with the same credentials, their website surprisingly processed it and allowed me to register. Since my bank account credentials can be used repeatedly, this is yet another flaw. What if someone pretends to be me, uses my bank credentials, and sends money without me knowing it? Then that is so f**ked up, right? Anyway, good thing, it was me. So, I sent money to a recipient in another country, and again, all they ever did was verify that the bank info was correct and sends the money brainlessly.

Being true to their promise, they send the money first before charging my bank, and having them blocked a few years back, when the transaction completed, my bank denied them from withdrawing money from my bank account. That’s when their robot sends me a message telling me that they have suspended my account until the issue is address. Like who cares? There are other payment processors out there, they are not the only one. The thing is, they just loss money from that transfer. And what if I decide not to pay them? I sent only a midget amount of $50. Are they going to sue me over that? And if they do, from a business standpoint, wouldn’t it cost them more money? Well, good thing I’m not a crook. I authorized my bank to let them complete the transaction and withdraw money from my bank account, but these guys really need to address their flaws with the transaction procedure.

Who is Anonymous’ leader?

Who is Anonymous’ leader?

Perhaps, this has been asked time and again. The hacktivist group whose members hide behind Guy Fawkes masks have always been shrouded in mystery. Nobody knows who they are, they have no names, they are usually hidden behind proxy IPs, their location — everywhere! They can be in Jersey City and the next thing you know, they can suddenly pop out in Brooklyn, or in Europe or in Asia, thanks to their IP being bounced around by proxy servers. Note that I used the word “they”, that is because anonymous is comprised of a legion of people. They can be anybody, they can even be your own friend.

The group was founded in 2003-2004, but do they have a leader? Who is the one running anonymous? While there is certainly that one person who started the idea, no one really knows who? However, as told by an Anon spokesperson, who identified himself as “Coldblood”, Anonymous has no central command structure. According to Coldblood, the group consists of teenagers, as well as some parents and technology workers, who are “trying to make an impact on what happens with the limited knowledge they have”. Simply put, Anonymous doesn’t have a leader. This is further confirmed by former Anonymous key member, Gregg Housh, when he said in one of his interviews that “there is no leadership. There can’t be. That is the point of it all”.

The thing about Anonymous, is that it is not an organization. In fact, it is an amorphous group. A collective. You can’t join it, there is no sign up. It is not a club, a party or even a movement. There is no charter, no manifest, and no membership fees. However, anybody can be anonymous or can be a part of it. All it really requires is that you share a common goal.

Anonymous LogoWhile Anonymous doesn’t have a leader, there are certainly front runners. One of the most prominent of them is Hector Xavier Monsegur aka Sabu, the co-founder of LulzSec (a black hat computer hacking group that claimed responsibility for several high profile attacks, including hacking Sony Pictures’ user accounts, and taking down CIA’s website). Sabu is an American computer hacker of Puerto Rican origin. He happens to be LulzSec’s most expert hacker. For quiet some time, he was Anonymous. However, with the help of Backtrace Security, another hacker group made of individuals who formerly counted themselves as part of Anonymous, Sabu was identified and caught. Hector would later become an FBI informant as part of a plea deal, and helped in identifying some of the core members of his group. Sabu was unemployed at the time of his arrest. He later became a cybersecurity researcher, this time, using his hacking skills to test the network security of companies so he could help patch them up. Unsurprisingly, he manages to penetrate them most of the time. A testament to his incredible hacking skills.

An update in the life of a developer

We’ve gone through thick and thin, but so far, we’ve managed to pull it though. In life, I’ve lost some friends, and some people who were dear to me, but gained some new ones. I guess that’s life. We lost some, we get some. That makes it dynamic. As far as job is concerned, it really feels good to be trusted. Our company manager just let’s me do what I want. A month ago, I made a deal with him. He let’s me work on development and study on the job, sort of like OJT (on the job training), and in return, I’m gonna develop stuff for the company. In the next couple of weeks, I found myself working on an unsupervised project. Something I myself just thought of, although I would occasionally update him on the progress without him having to ask me. I dunno why he never bothers to check on me, but I guess it’s because he knows what I’m capable of… he trusts that I could work on my own without him telling me what to do. Isn’t that great? I’m working outside of my supposed job description. I’m no longer the usual inventory manager or your average data entry. I am what I wanna be! But mind you guys, life of a developer is never easy. Just take this video as an analogy. It’s the closest you can get to the reality of what it really feels like…

Yup, it’s not easy, but that’s where great things come from — from hard ones. The more difficult it is, the less people who can do it, and the less people who can do it, the more valuable you become. As for the project, the recent one was an upgrade on the inventory system. I created an inventory system that kind of replicates the one the company has, but with more features including advance monitoring such as getting the system data, checking on the file size of the inventory file, get last modified information and info on when was the system last updated. Also, I made it smart. It not only retrieves information, it also notifies us of the problem. And, it is capable of automatically sending emails with an attachment of the report straight to the managers. That way, we’ll immediately know what the problem is and quickly take action. However, while the script is now working, I kind of misfired it lately. The script accidentally went into a loop, and it started sending multiple emails… it turned into a notorious spam bot. And just when I thought it would send one email per second, I was wrong! The number of executions actually depend on your CPU speed, and since I was given a top end computer, it was capable of sending thousands of email per second. It’s a good thing, I was the only one affected. Earlier, I cced some people including our manager, but I remove them mid development. If he was flooded with emails, he could have hanged me.

Drafted into Junior PHP Developer

Finally got a part of my dream… to become a developer. This is something I can be proud of considering I didn’t really graduated Computer Science. I was an RN, a registered nurse in my home country, although before that I did study ComSci. It’s just that back at that time, I didn’t took it seriously, and considering the fact that the level of education in the Philippines is rather low when it comes to Technology, even if I am to graduate in this field, I would still be a novice here in the US. I mean, I compared both the United States and my home country’s tech level, and no doubt, the US is far more advance. Back in my days, while we were just thriving on Turbo C, the US already has Java. However, I fared well in computer class. If I recall, majority of my classmates were relying on me for answers in our Computer Fundamentals subject. I also understood HTML with ease, and f**ked up our Computer Lab administrators job by destroying the lab computers with an FDisk DOS command – surprisingly, something he wasn’t even aware of. Anyway, that’s for giving us bad computers. Ah, those were the days…

Most of the knowledge I got in Programming are from the Internet, through self study. I don’t have books, and I found books harder to understand. I don’t have notes… but, I document everything I learned here in my portfolio so that I could access them again in the future (in case I forget). And, I don’t have enough money to finance my education, so I have to find other means in order to learn. Hopefully, this would be an inspiration to others. You can achieve your dreams if you work hard for it, no matter the odds.

I am grateful and forever be indebted to certain people for putting their trust on me and allowing me to grow, and giving me a chance. Guys, I promise, my growth will be your growth too! As while I expand my knowledge and gain more experience, I would also be able to provide more and better development tools that will improve your business and make work easier for everybody.

For the guys who might not get hired anymore because I automated your tasks… I am deeply sorry…

OK, what I have been busying lately? Well, I am creating PHP scripts that automatically fetches inventory. Before, inventory are being process manually. It was fine, but as the number of vendors grow, inventory becomes extremely hard to manage. Hopefully, this system will make inventory processing easier.

D and H Auto Inventory Fetch

Sadly, I don’t have time to explain everything, but I will document it in another post, which will take place in the next couple of days. But to give you guys an idea how it was done… well, I am using XAAMP on my work computer since I am not yet attached to an actual server. Because of that, I don’t have these server apps that allow me to run CRON jobs. Now, what we were aiming here is for the script to automatically fetch the inventory file from the vendor’s FTP every 2 am. It requires a login username and a password so I created a script that automatically logs into the FTP server, retrieves the inventory file from there and saves it into local for our system to process. Then, I installed a CRON app on my Chrome browser that opens my PHP script every 2am. Anyways, I am going to document how it is done next time. It’s already 4am in the morning at the time of this writing so…

Moneygram Scammer

Just recently, I received an email from someone who claimed he was associated with Moneygram, but thank god, we have Gmail. Google’s email service is equipped with a powerful spam detection program that is capable of learning and noting patterns used by scammers to scam people. With its smart detection function, it was able to catch the notorious scammer’s email and sends it to my spam folder.

Here’s the email: (click to zoom in)

OK, first of all, this Moneygram Remittance Department is in Nigeria, and I am in the US. So for me to have an account over there already raises a red flag, if not, thick eyebrows. He also said someone stole my money amounting 920,000 USD. Seriously, if I have that kind of money, I would quit my job and would already be in Hawaii or in the Bahamas. Anyway, he goes on to say that I will get paid $6000 daily until the 920,000 stolen from me is fully paid. Hmm… it sounds interesting, I mean… freebies man! Who doesn’t like freebies? Well, except that there’s a catch. In order for me to get paid, I need to be registered as the receiver, and to become a receiver, I need to pay a $50 service fee. Pfft…

OK, let us analyze for a moment… so the sender’s name is John La Nwako, but then he wants me to send $50 to some guy named OKECHUKWU FRANCK MMORBA (Yes, all in caps lock). Goddamn, how do you even pronounce that name? His country is in NIGERIA. Btw, also note of the sender’s email – MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON <moneygram.@wonder.ocn.ne.jp> – what kind of Moneygram email is this? And also, he has this opening header:

Telephone: +2347032000000
Email: moneygramoffice4576@yahoo.com

Yep, moneygram is now using yahoo.com as their email service provider, SMH.

Not only that… he has this signature:



FEDERAL OPERATION MANEGER – He spelled Manager as Maneger. Seriously man, you need to do better than that if you want people to buy this sh*t. Start with your spelling. ~ Gestapo

It’s also worth noting that majority of scammers I encountered, not only from spam emails, but also in Craigslist, and free Dating Sites, are usually from Nigeria. Before, I encountered someone posing as a beautiful woman, who claimed she was a nurse and a US citizen who was sent to Nigeria. Eventually, she asks me to send her money because she needed to buy her sanitary napkins… OK… first of all, I know that nurses get paid well… but this one can’t even afford to buy her napkin (facepalm). I also encountered someone from Craigslist who says he’s renting his apartment for a cheap price… I look at the apartment picture and noted that this apartment is in Downtown Manhattan (SOHO), and this is not just an ordinary apartment… it looks like a fancy 5-star apartment, and he’s just renting it for a measly 1000 dollars when I know apartments like this would be around 6K or more per month. I rode his BS until he told me he’s currently in Nigeria, so I needed to send the money over there so he could send me the keys. OK, how about I send him the finger instead?

Sadly, while scammers like these may seem ridiculous, sometimes they are still able to scam people who are gullible enough to believe this kind of crap.