How to fix WordPress Multisite wp-signup.php?new= redirect Problem

WordpressWordPress is a powerful CMS (Content Management System) based on PHP and MySQL, originally designed for Blogging, and pretty much like However, it is open-sourced and pluggable, which allows it to be dynamic and perform other unique functions. Among the features it has is it allows users to convert it into a multisite wherein you have one wordpress, but many subdomains.

To enable multisite, there are a few things you need to tweak in your wp-config file and on your host’s htaccess, but let’s assume you did all that. Sometimes while on Multiside mode, WordPress runs into a problem in which when you type your domain’s URL in naked URL format — by naked I mean, it is typed without the www at the start — WordPress redirects to wp-signup.php?new=[domainname]. By default, WordPress is configured to have a naked URL address for multisite purpose, in which the first part www part is removed to reserve it for the subdomain name. But if you reconfigure WordPress to use the url with the www, and typed in the address of your site in naked url format, then you might run into this redirect problem wherein it assumes there is a subdomain name, but if that subdomain name is missing (ie. you are running the parent website) then it assumes there is no site and prompts you to create a new one.

To solve this problem, you’ll need to add some corrective instruction to your .htaccess file. Also note that for subdomains, each subdomain might need its own redirect instructions.

Access .htaccess. You might need to show hidden files in your web folder to see this file. Edit it and add this instructions:

# Force www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

By the way, is the name of your domain.

The instruction means that the Rewrite Condition is that whenever it encounters your domain name in naked url format, then it will redirect you to the non-naked url format (Code: 301 or moved permanently).

You may also add the following definition to your wp-config PHP file:

define('NOBLOGREDIRECT', '');

Add this code before /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ comment line.

Note that this definition will redirect internal page links that do not include www. to the home page if you do not add the .htaccess code. Therefore, you should add the .htaccess code along with this configuration.

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