Read Toomics’ The Good Manager for free

mijiToomics’ “The Good Manager” seems to be one of the well sought adult comic out there. Well, Toomics’ surely isn’t the only one that has these adult thingys, but thanks to their impressive marketing utilizing Facebook and other social media sites, they seem to be getting quite a dozen of interested audience. The same tactic they use with their previous comics still seem to work well, and most of the time. The tried and true method of click baits and offering some honey for the bees has garnered them such a number that had been craving to read more, only to get charged later. Some probably took the bait and spent some money just to read the sexy escapades, while those who can’t afford resorted to the world wide web, with my site despite being a portfolio and a personal blog site for programming and techie stuff, getting a hit by some of these flock.

hyeinFor the past months, I’ve had a surge of traffic from people who are searching for Toomics’ My Stepmom, at first, it was tremendous, amounting over 5000+ and more in a single day. That was when I realized the spike of traffic happened because I got indexed by Yahoo! and Bing, then Google, which contributed to most of the generic traffic. At one point, I was in the top spot for posting a blog post about Toomics’ loophole, accidentally telling people how to read their comics without having to pay for the VIP membership. Eventually, giant sites like Reddit beat me to the traffic. Anyway, a few months ago, some visitors asked me to tell them whenever I get some new info on these type of comics. While I am not really obliged, and since this site wasn’t meant to be a comic porn hub, I still agreed, although my help won’t be providing the links, but rather helping out with the keywords, how to find what they are looking for, and where to find it. Well, that’s why I’m posting this right now.

About 2 days, I saw some generic hits targeting the keyword Toomics’ “The Good Manager”. It seems to be one of those comics people are now looking for. Well, sadly Reddit once again beat me to it, as they are already in the second spot, just below the main source Toomics, and some of the guys from their community already provided a link. Well, since I made I promised, I’m gonna show the link again, although I’m not gonna directly link into it. Just see the picture below:

the good manager

If you guys can’t see the picture, this is the link: manhwahentai.(com)/manhwa/the-good-manager/, just remove the parenthesis to make the link work in your browser’s url address bar.

miji toomics the good managerI believe I don’t need to tell you guys how I find it. Searching for the keyword “Toomics’ The Good Manager” will yield the results that will lead you to Toomics and Reddit, although there is a third placer — MangaRock, they don’t have much content at the time of this writing. Who knows? they’ll add more in the future though. By the way, don’t search for the keyword “The Good Manager” because that keyword is broad and will often times lead you to office-related jobs and managerial tips websites.

heejooOK, wait… before you guys rush to go to that link I provided, I need to tell you a little more… ManhwaHentai has the English version of the comics, and they allow you to read Toomics’ The Good Manager for free, but be prepared to be bombarded by adds. Also, another important thing to note. ManhwaHentai doesn’t have the latest episode. The latest episode is most probably in Korean. Upon further research, I found out that the Korean name of the comics is 잘하는 매니저 (you need UTF-8 to display these characters correctly), it reads as Jalhaneun Maenijeo or Good Manager. Searching for the keyword 잘하는 매니저 on Google will lead you to some Korean websites. Among them is: (enlarge the photo)


Or toonkor.(pw)/잘하는-매니저. Be careful though, like ManhwaHentai, they have some ads and if you’re not careful, you could get yourself a virus. I actually suggest you protect your computer and practice some due diligence before browsing these websites.


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