Site Stats and Archive.Org Donation

Site Stats
Hello guys, I’m happy to announce that this portfolio and web resource site seems to be booming lately, as evidenced by the site stats above. I started this website back in May 2018 and in just 4 months time, it manages to reach the 1k hits milestone. Way back then, it just got like 1 unique visitor, sometimes 0, and oftentimes that 1 visitor also happens to be me. Anyway, the site was meant to be my portfolio, but since I wished to share whatever I learn and have, I also turned it into a web resource site, offering Desktop Wallpapers to download, introducing cool applications, teaching how to do some stuff, and well, sharing my codes to help aspiring programmers.

Over the months, the site received a rise and drop in number of visits, ranging from 0 to 10, sometimes, 10-40, and maybe if I recall correctly, the highest was around 100+, but that wasn’t constant until this month of July when one of my posts was suddenly indexed by Yahoo! and Bing (formerly MSN Search/Windows Live Search/Live Search) and was showed in the top 1 spot. This skyrocketed my hits from a mere 10-20 to 200+ in a day (up by 1000%), and it grew up to 800+ following Google‘s crawl that had them associating my site with some keywords (I’m yet to determine what keyword though). My hits fell to 400+ in recent weeks, and once again, it gained momentum this week. This time, it reached the 1000 mark, with my best at 1,220 at the time of this posting. The only disappointment I have though is that the keyword that propelled my site was not the one I was aiming for. In short, my site’s boom was just an accident (luck) and not because I was good in SEO.

Brewster KahleAside from the site stats, I also would like to announce my support for Archive.Org (also known as the WayBackMachine or The Internet Archive). It was founded by Brewster Kahle, an American Internet entrepreneur, internet activist, advocate of universal access to all knowledge, and digital librarian, who also happens to be the creator of Amazon’s Alexa website. The Internet Archive is funded by the US Government and by donations. It’s mission is to make the internet free. For now, I donated 5 bucks, and maybe in the following months, I will be donating more. I encourage others to do the same. You can donate here.

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