Page fails to load properly: url seems to be banned

Not sure if this is a web hosting-related issue or a WordPress-related issue, nor I am sure if anyone had encountered this problem before. But, I had this issue before that I think needs to be mentioned since not even the tech guys at my hosting service provider know how to solve it. I also searched the internet far and wide to see if anybody also had the same issue, and if they have a solution to fix it, but it seems this is a rare problem as I couldn’t find a single article or post that talks about it. Well, it’s possible that only I am the one having this issue, or it could be related to my settings, if not my plugins. Who knows?

So, the issue I had before is regarding a single post in my site. I couldn’t fathom why this is the only page that breaks down. The rest seem to be working and loading fine. Also, the first time I posted this page, it was working fine. The page I am talking about is this page. Right now, it is working because I fixed it, but before, it was breaking. Here’s the proof of it:

blocked page

As you can see in the picture above, my page is in chaos. Apparently, some of its contents and scripts are not loading. Something is blocking it. Could it be Google Chrome? Dunno… but, if you guys noticed, my url is kind of odd. Not only is it too long, it also contains a permalink that resembles a code. Now, this is merely an hypothesis, but there is a strong possibility that the reason why it gets blocked is because of the permalink’s structure. It does resemble a code, and I’m pretty sure there are some security features, either from WordPress, or from my host that tries to prevent url injection by looking into the url’s pattern. Probably, it matched a pattern, prompting the security feature to kick in and deny the page loading request.

My Solution

It has to be my url. With that thought in mind, I changed the post permalink into a different one, and remove some of those minus signs in the url. It worked! The page went back to normal. The problem now is that I have visitors visiting this page, and the fact that I change the permalink could mean that they won’t be able to get into the page anymore. So the next thing I did is setup a redirect. I redirected the old link to point into the new link and that is why the url seems to be working now. However, in reality, that url is a 301 redirect and points to a different url (the one that’s working).

I’m not sure if anyone also had this issue, but if ever someone have, I’m going to keep this post for future reference.

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